How did I find surface pattern design?
I wasn't the kid who was drew or doodled on everything. I took the minimum art classes in high school none in college. So where did the drive to create art come from?

Through my sewing. I learned to sew when my first baby was on the way, and I was hooked. It filled my creative needs for many years, but as my skills grew, so did my imagination. Sometimes you just can't find the thing you have in your head. So I kept thinking about designing my own fabric. Then in 2020, I took a leap of faith and joined Bonnie Christine's Immersion course as a way to dive in.
It was instrumental in getting me to create art regularly and figure out my workflow and how I like to work/what my style is. That takes a lot of work when you're coming from practically no art background. The day my mom said she could now tell my artwork because it had a “look” was a huge milestone.

I felt prompted to take the same course again in 2022 knowing my art was in a better place. I knew this time I would work past what I was able to accomplish the time before and gain more from the latter part of the course. I did, but when it was over I didn’t want to lose the momentum and excitement I was feeling.
I finished my first portfolio and knew I wanted to make something of my surface pattern design business. I decided to get some coaching and have been laying down the slow (but fast) work that included setting up all the big, scary (to me) business aspects like registering my business, getting an accounting system chosen, and doing some of those things you don’t really think about with a creative business.
Now that I've created a website and have you on my email list I feel like I'm flying. There’s still SO much to do to get this brand off to a good start, but there’s a ground-level excitement in my heart.
Now that you know my story, what does that mean for you? It means we can all start from where we are. If you have a creative idea or dream, just go for it.